27th June 2009, Loctudy

5 pm - Just tied up in Loctudy after doing an overnight from Les Sables d'Olonne, we called in at Herbaudier for fuel with the intention of staying but the office was shut & the showers were shut so we weren't going to pay 23 euro for nowt. Looks good here but will up-date with more info in a couple of days. Position on the route updated.

23rd June 2009, Les Sables d'Olonne, Updated 24th

23rd June
Arrived here today at about 2.30 pm after a great sail up from Ile d' Aix. ( see route for locations ). More tomorrow for a short update and a couple of pictures.

24th June 2009, Les Sables d’Olonne, France
We had been in Royan for 4 nights and were sorting out where to go next, mainly because we are now back into big tide ranges, shallows and river entrances to ( several ) harbours, and made the decision to try the mooring buoys at Ile d’ Aix; which turned out to be a good choice. We were also going to be moving on from there without Bob & Di on Sheer Fantasy ( they’re waiting near La Rochelle for visitors ) so the last night in Royan we had a meal together and a couple of drinks while on the buoys at Aix, and we sadly sailed away at about 7.30am on the 23rd. We’ve had some great times together and they’ve been great company - see you soon…..

The trip from Royan to Aix was a motor-sail because the winds were a little too light (for us) and a little too tight ‘on the nose’ to get any real speed out of it. However, from Aix to Sables was a great sail, used the engine for less than an hour – just clear the buoy and the other boats and then to get up the river to the marina; and we made good time with the tide also helping – only 1 ship to keep clear off in the separation zone off La Rochelle. So – a couple or more days here and then move a little further north…..

The photos are : 1 that Bob took of Balchis while crossing Biscay (2nd day - wind about 15knots off the port bow); 4 of the Boat Beasty enjoying his time in Royan (because Inversnaid Primary School will be starting holidays soon); 2 of the ‘Hawaiian Farewell’ from Higher Water and Porky Huntus…. And the last one is of the morning departure.

20th June 2009, Photo Update

The following photos are from Povoa to Port Medoc…
The first 7 are Povoa then 3 from the next town south, about a 3km walk – 3 photos from Cangas and then the next 8 are of the trip from Cangas to Pobra de Caraminal ( including the visit from the Duanas ). 1 of the Tiller-Pilot operating the wind-steering rudder, which allows us to link it to the route on the chart plotter. Then 6 from Camarinas, followed by one that looks a bit like a St Andrews cross in the sky – we took that as a message of where we’re meant to be heading… 2 pictures from Ares – the fog bank is what we sailed through to get from Sada (but worth it). Then we have 2 from Viveiro, 4 from Ribadeo and 3 of Gijon. The tug squirting the water is as we leave Gijon followed by 4 of the trip to Ribadesella; then the next 9 are from Ribadesella, including Di showing you how we got on and off the boats at low water. A picture of Sheer Fantasy in the middle of the Cap Ferret Canyon – crossing the Bay of Biscay, followed by 1 of my need for a haircut (now accomplished – last haircut was November 2008). The remaining 14 are from around Port Medoc, having some fun flying the kite and suffering from too much of the bikes….