It’s now a week since we left Evantu in Tobermory. Thanks for everything.
Mon 16th
We left Carrickfergus in thick fog with the radar on. It didn’t lift for 4 hrs but eventually the sun shone. We motor-sailed all the way to Ardglass. David and Jeanette on Grey Dove from Dunstaffnage were next door. They’d just been dis-masted so now must wait in Ardglass for a couple of weeks. Good luck with your repairs.
Tues 17th
Just one night at Ardglass (£17!) and then onwards over to North Wales. The wind direction was a bit tight on the nose so we had to motor sail for most of the way. Arrived at Holyhead after 10pm.
Wed 18th
A week since we said our goodbyes at Canna to Tolbos and Nimrod. We miss you, thanks for the updates. Look after that bear! Stayed put and enjoyed a jobs day. We now have a working wind-generator. Fab! Holyhead sailing club only £8 per night for the mooring, good bar meal and an excellent club launch service!
We will continue to work or way down to the Scillies when the weather isn’t too bad.
Hi you two, Balchis' cousin (Barbary Spirit) has been waiting for a nice sunny day before she goes out this year. I think she may be waiting a long time! Following your blog has made us realise that perhaps we should make a little more effort so we'll set sail for the first time next weekend by hook or by crook.
Can you tell us what you intend to do after October - Is she staying in the Med for a while?
Bon Voyage - Carole and Alan
Hiya you two. Sounds amazing, been reading all your notes since you left. Glad to hear Carolyn - you havent just got sea legs and managed a run!! or was that you Trevor!!??? Just wanted to mention that Calum failed his driving test. A small relief for me but a big disappointment for him. Dog is doing better than we thought. Tumor not got into bone so opporation should be small by comparison to what we origionally thought. Keep safe and well love Tris and Philxx
hope you are both ok just got back from mbro mam enjoyed her 80th and alby and lenore send you their love. they are off to tour scotland on thursday for three weeks typical isn't it! just read pete's message is he going to go into the raf i didn't like to ring and ask him in case he was not accepted. thanks for katie's postcard she loved it
julie says hi will follow your progress on the blog
love from us all
francy, richard and katie xx
thanks for your texts at the moment my phone needs charging up and i can't find the charger it could be anywhere as we have lived out of a suitcase since the 15th. we will be at julie's for the next couple of weeks (apart from a trip to see nathan on saturday his 1st birthday) i am hanging around as my gp has referred me to an orthopaedic consultant i have asked to go private as i need to be back in portugal by the 21st which is when alby lenore and mam are coming out for a week.
hope you are not too wet we keep looking at the weather and thinking about you. just showed katie the pictures she asked if you where sailing round the world!!
take care lots of luv from us all xx
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